It's been a long time since I updated this space and I'm sorry for my absence. Writing has always been on my mind but I figured that it's better to write something meaningful (even if that takes a longer wait), compared to writing something that's of mediocre standard albeit more frequently.
I've been taking the time to discover what I want to do as a freelancer in Singapore and this post is dedicated to those who are either going through the same journey as I or who are contemplating to go through the same route.
"You lack nothing, use what I gave you." - God
Freelancing is a journey that's both exhilarating and anxiety evoking at the same time. When I first started as a freelance artist, I didn't have a concrete plan of who I wanted to connect with, my plan was just to figure things out along the way. I felt like I needed both the mystery of the unknown and the right amount of anxiety to trigger my creativity to explore this magical journey. And that's exactly what I did. I definitely felt uncertain about the following things, (which isn't an exhaustive list):
- who I was going to talk to
- what I am going to specialize in as as artist / what my voice is
- how I am going to bring that voice to life
Pic Credits: Anthony Tran (Unsplash)
It came to a point where my uncertainty stopped me from doing anything cause I just kept thinking and thinking of how to make things perfect without actually doing anything about anything. When that frustration hit a certain threshold, I just decided to start -- start writing (even if that post remained in drafts), start taking photos (even if the photos never got posted), and somehow in the doing, figuring how things should align became easier.
One thing led to another and so here I am writing this blog as part of being led to the next point. I don't know what's next, and that feeling of not knowing is both unnerving yet thrilling at the same time. It's such a unique blend that actually spurs me on to have that "just try" mentality and that's how the doing comes along.
PIc credits: Cathryn Lavery, Unsplash
For those who are thinking of freelancing, you'll probably go through the same mental journeys as I have, in different intensities and consistencies but trust me when I say that in the unknown, in the anxiety, in the blind faith, in the trying, in the pausing, you are never at a roadblock. Those things are required to lead you to where you need to go + to refine your voice so that as each day passes, you become even more fulfilled and certain that this path you've chosen is one of purpose, not just for yourself, but for those around you as they see your bravery in the face of uncertainty and become encouraged in the process too.